Note: If you have not already done so, you will find it helpful to read these introductory posts in order, as they set the background of this blog and the groundwork for what lies ahead. Click here to read the first and second posts.
[edited 5/23/07 to fix typographical error]
A gay Christian. In some respects, what I am doing here is nothing new. There are many places one can go on the Internet to find discussions, debates, and arguments supporting or opposing the idea of the compatibility of homosexuality and Christianity. There are numerous believers with homosexual attractions who have shared their own stories and struggles online, and I have been immeasurably blessed by reading their words.
But I have not seen a blog yet that approaches this subject from quite the perspective and presuppositions as I, and so I hope that perhaps I may be able to contribute at least a small amount to the conversation. Here are a few things which, when taken together, I think might make this a somewhat distinct site:
I am determined to study this out exhaustively and truly "own" the conclusion the Lord directs me to.- I was raised in an extremely conservative theological tradition. Though the church I currently attend would be identified as a conservative evangelical church, I was raised in one of the flagship churches of the movement known as fundamentalism. Representative of the fundamentalist movement are groups like the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, publications such as FrontLine magazine, educational institutions such as Bob Jones University, and blogs such as Sharper Iron. And, while having no hesitation to speak out against the excesses and imbalances of some within that movement, my understanding of theology and Bible interpretation is strongly influenced and shaped by fundamentalist pastors and teachers. Like them, I hold a high view of Scripture, believing in principles that follow literal, normal, grammatical-historical interpretation of the Bible. I believe that the Bible is inspired by God, inerrant in its original autographs, authoritative as man's final rule of faith and practice, and that God's Word is providentially preserved for us today in the multitude of manuscripts and faithful translations of that great Love Letter from God to man. So this blog will obviously be written from that perspective (if you want to know even more specifically what my theological presuppositions are, I am generally fond of and mostly in agreement the statements of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith - click to read: original version / modern English version).
- God has, in His grace and to His praise, created me with an unusually tender personality. It is nearly impossible for me to hold a grudge. When people take advantage of me or hurt me by their actions, I feel deep pain but can't seem to stay angry at them. In relation to fundamentalism, from whose adherents I have received the most hurtful treatment of my life, I cannot think of a single person I hold hard feelings toward. Even the pastor who told me he would pray for God to kill me allowed me to come to his home last year at my request, and God gave me a love for that pastor again. While I am pained by significant failings and blind spots of fundamentalism, it is filled with people I love and from whom I learned of the love of God for me and the joy that comes from serving Him. So, this blog will not be a platform to tear down those sincere servants of the Most High God. I will be honest about where I believe they are incorrect in their theology or sinful in their actions (just as Paul publicly rebuked Peter for his sinful actions in Galatians 2:11), but I'm too busy with the logs in my own eyes to ever hope to aim straight enough to target them for destruction.
- I have sincerely NOT figured out where I stand on this issue. And, with God's help, I pray that I am not approaching the study with an agenda to make Scripture say what I want it to say but rather to make myself conform to whatever it says, whether I "like" it or not. So on one hand, I am not promoting homosexuality nor defending whatever participation I have had in that lifestyle. But on the other hand, unlike many within conservative theological circles who believe that even examining Scripture's teaching on homosexuality (other than to affirm their own interpretation of the passages) indicates a rebellious heart, I believe that it is a topic worthy of careful, measured, and patient examination. If you are reading this and believe only stubbornness could motivate a re-examination of the topic, I would encourage you to come along on this journey with me anyway. One of two things will happen: either you will be strengthened in your understanding of the topic and perhaps learn something of how someone "in the middle of it" sees it (helping you better to minister to people like me in your life), or else the examination will reveal blind spots in your thinking and understanding, giving you the opportunity to align yourself more directly with the teachings of Scripture. Either way, we each have the opportunity to grow through this, and I value the counsel of others who will help me to identify my own blind spots. In the end, I am determined to study this out exhaustively and truly "own" the conclusion the Lord directs me to.
So this blog will be different from sites advocating the acceptance of homosexuality within Christianity, because I am not yet an advocate for any position. I will be an advocate, or rather an enforcer, of patience and honesty in our discussions here. I will insist, even in our inevitable disagreements, that our conversation always be gracious (cf. Colossians 4:6). I have no intention to censor those who may end up disagreeing with me or others, but there are endless websites out there for invective and angry ranting; I don't believe such will be helpful in what I hope this blog will accomplish. And, I hope that the readers of this blog will point out to me if I ever cross the line and become ungracious in what I write. This is a journey of reconciliation, and I believe we can grow together as we study.
To my gay friends, whether Christians or not, and to anyone else who comes from a worldview that is suspicious of religion and religious people, I hope that, even if you think I'm completely crazy to base my life choices upon the Bible, perhaps at least you can see in me someone who, however imperfectly, is trying to live out my faith in a sincere but non-judgmental manner. You will not find a "hater" in me. I hope that, even those who may not come from the same perspective on the Bible will participate and help us stay honest and not get caught up in religious jargon and subculture.
My next post will be the fourth and final introductory post, and in it I will lay out my plan of attack for the blog for the days to come. No doubt this will be constantly changing and unpredictable, but it will at least give you an idea of where we are going from here until we find some rabbit trail to follow (smile). Thanks for reading!
Click here to continue to the final introductory post.
You said that some people may believe that even examing scriptures on homosexuality indicates a rebellious heart...
To add on... I believe that God's heart desires the opposite. God loves for his people to earnestly seek him, to know him.. Through honestly asking questions, to know him and know his will...
Throughout the Psalms we see David's honest heart as he seeks out the Lord as well as even questioning him... God later calls David a man after His own heart.
It's through our honest questions with God and genuinly seeking his heart when God reveals Himself, and makes our hearts to be conformed to His when He is most glorified...
As someone who is still seeking and trying to know like yourself, I'll continue to pray for your journey as well as mine... though I guess I will admit it's very easy for us to want to begin to justify what WE WANT, and what we desire... and to start twisting things to justify the things our rebellious hearts desire... I guess we need to pray hard and come with a humble heart and really ask for the Spirit's enablement as well as empowerment when searching...
Thanks for another good post :)
Thanks, and well said! Your comment about David's questioning God is an encouragement to me, and you are correct. He didn't hold back when asking God questions that some today would criticize him for and tell him he just needed to trust God and all would be well. He understood that there are questions that we have to wrestle with over the long haul, and this is not always an indication of a sinful heart so much as it is a recognition of our finite human brains! :-)
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