Note: If you have not already done so, you will find it helpful to read these four introductory posts in order, as they set the background of this blog and the groundwork for what lies ahead. Click here to read the first, second, and third posts.
So now that you have a basic idea of where I am coming from and where I am now, here's my plan for where I will be going with this blog. Undoubtedly, these directional goals will be somewhat fluid as I study and learn and talk and pray, but for now, the following are what this blog will be focused on:
- The core thrust of the blog is examining Scripture's teaching on homosexuality. Eventually, I hope to write posts addressing each of the major passages that explicitly reference homosexual activity. I suspect that, as people respond to those posts, those responses will lead to other posts, but ultimately, I hope to be able to summarize concisely but thoroughly what is the teaching of each major passage. In addition, I hope to address any other related passages in Scripture.
- So, Scripture study is the heart of what I am doing here. The topic we are studying, however, is (at the very least) culturally complex, and I believe it may also prove to be theologically complex. Thus, before I dive into the deep water, I will likely spend quite a bit of time addressing the context of the topic to ensure that, in addition to saying the same words, we are also speaking the same language. So, I will address a number of other items, such as....
- The topic of homosexuality and religion is inseparable from emotion. The entire debate is filled with passion from start to finish. Consequently, people on both sides have a tendency (in spite of often-good intentions) to make unhelpful statements, use propaganda techniques, and misrepresent each other on a regular basis. The opposing side then often latches on to these things and uses them to broad-brush everyone who opposes their own views as intellectually vacant, deceptive, or dishonest. Emotions get higher, and reasoning together becomes a fading hope. So, while never intending to destroy those who make unhelpful statements, I want to identify such statements in the hopes that we can avoid such distractions in our own conversations here.
- Around the world, issues surrounding the cultural acceptance of homosexuality are being discussed on the news every day. Here in America, seldom a day goes by when topics such as gays in the military, gay marriage, gay adoption, inheritance rights for gay couples, conflict between human rights of gay people and the practice of religious beliefs, and many more are discussed, debated, and fought over in the media. While I don't want this blog to become a political stump for any issue, it would be shortsighted to think we could have this discussion in a cultural vacuum. Thus, when I believe a "hot topic" issue should be addressed in the course of the discussion, I will address that as well.
- As we cannot have this discussion separated from what is happening today in the world, neither can we hope to keep a balanced perspective disconnected from what has happened in the past. So, I want to write about the history of homosexuality, particularly from the end of the Scripture to modern day. Examining how we arrived at the cultural place where we find ourselves will help us better understand why certain modes of thinking are so deeply entrenched and communication often so difficult.
- Beyond these things, I cannot predict where this blog will go. I will likely share personal lessons learned along the way when relevant. Undoubtedly, I will want to express what I have discovered in my own spiritual walk that may be an encouragement to others. And perhaps, if we delve into an area of discussion where I think I'm out of my league more than normal, I may ask for guest authors to post.
All in all, I approach this with a serious mind but a light spirit. By this, I mean that I recognize the importance of handling the Word of God correctly and aligning my life by its principles. But I also have an incurable optimism that my Savior has already planned the path ahead of me, and as I acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will continue to direct my path.
So, I hope you will consider joining me on this journey. All I ask is that our conversations be patient and kind. Because of the tendency for comments on blogs such as this to get out of hand, I am going to have the comment moderation enabled, but I will only remove comments if they are inappropriate, not just for disagreeing with me on something. If you have any questions along the way, feel free to e-mail me at the address on the sidebar.
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